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Nuestra visión es una comunidad donde todas las voces sean escuchadas y respetadas independientemente de su estatus socioeconómico o origen cultural. Nuestra misión es brindar una representación legal impecable donde nuestros clientes se sientan escuchados, respetados y empoderados.


Sabemos lo que es adecuado para usted


  • We do a complete interview with our clients before accepting any case. By really listening to your story we make certain that there is a solid legal base for moving forward.

  • We fight for you. A court case can be a long, difficult process and we’re there by your side through to the end. Our dedication never wavers.

  • We are experienced in dealing with medical providers, governmental agencies, corporations, and insurance companies. We are experienced in medicine and medical treatments through a long familial history and decades of exposure to doctors, medical schools, hospitals and knowledgeable resources. You’re not alone in your fight for answers and accountability.

  • We are bilingual and of Hispanic descent, allowing us to serve the Hispanic community of Oregon with ease. Our unique understanding of the Latino culture provides insight and creates an effective and trusting relationship with our Hispanic clients.

  • We focus on a strong interpersonal relationship with our clients. Your case matters and our passion for law and justice focuses on individuals, not companies. We will be handling one of the most important chapters in your life. We need to like, respect and trust one another. 

Marble Steps

Mantenemos nuestros valores y creencias.

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